Sunday, February 27, 2011

There are deep oceans to explore..

You are beautiful and loved.  You have everything you need right now in each moment to succeed and conquer.  The only things that have kept you from that knowing is the fear of owning your worth, the lack of being in tune with how special your existence and highest self actually is, past trauma, and stories society has put into play.  I stand for your perfect alignment, attunement, and owning the beauty that is you and fearing not the unleashing of all that you have come forth to be.

Harmony exists when you are in vibration, in tune, like the tuning of a guitar, with your highest self.  You will know you are in tune when you feel good and happy, when it sounds good!  When your out of tune, go into that "sound" (feeling) and tune it by dissecting why you are not in tune and what is actually going on with your being.  Then, do all you can to release the feelings or thoughts by allowing them to come to the surface.  (Swim around in them, I say!)  From there, you can take action if need be, or you might surprise yourself by realizing all you needed was to go there and feel it.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Change starts with ME and YOU. Period.

When I see and hear about what the people in Egypt are doing, and the revolution they are creating through their collective action and evolution, it makes me feel so much gratitude for the personal journey I've been on this past year.  My own personal revolution only solidifies what I believe in.... In order to change the world, you must start with yourself...  and now I see.  I see the affect my actions have on the collective.  Thank you EGYPT and LIBYA and IRAN for being part of that vibrational wave and creating your own collective REVOLUTION.  You are my brothers, you are my sisters, and I LOVE YOU...!  I do.  My hope and wish is that you hear this.  I LOVE YOU!  I commend you and your bravery, and to that I say Amen.

I don't believe in politics anymore.  I believe in me.  I believe in YOU.  I believe in humanity.  I believe in our ability to change ourselves FIRST, and in turn we change and affect the collective whole.  PEACE, LOVE AND A PEACEFUL REVOLUTION..Amen.