Sunday, February 27, 2011

There are deep oceans to explore..

You are beautiful and loved.  You have everything you need right now in each moment to succeed and conquer.  The only things that have kept you from that knowing is the fear of owning your worth, the lack of being in tune with how special your existence and highest self actually is, past trauma, and stories society has put into play.  I stand for your perfect alignment, attunement, and owning the beauty that is you and fearing not the unleashing of all that you have come forth to be.

Harmony exists when you are in vibration, in tune, like the tuning of a guitar, with your highest self.  You will know you are in tune when you feel good and happy, when it sounds good!  When your out of tune, go into that "sound" (feeling) and tune it by dissecting why you are not in tune and what is actually going on with your being.  Then, do all you can to release the feelings or thoughts by allowing them to come to the surface.  (Swim around in them, I say!)  From there, you can take action if need be, or you might surprise yourself by realizing all you needed was to go there and feel it.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Change starts with ME and YOU. Period.

When I see and hear about what the people in Egypt are doing, and the revolution they are creating through their collective action and evolution, it makes me feel so much gratitude for the personal journey I've been on this past year.  My own personal revolution only solidifies what I believe in.... In order to change the world, you must start with yourself...  and now I see.  I see the affect my actions have on the collective.  Thank you EGYPT and LIBYA and IRAN for being part of that vibrational wave and creating your own collective REVOLUTION.  You are my brothers, you are my sisters, and I LOVE YOU...!  I do.  My hope and wish is that you hear this.  I LOVE YOU!  I commend you and your bravery, and to that I say Amen.

I don't believe in politics anymore.  I believe in me.  I believe in YOU.  I believe in humanity.  I believe in our ability to change ourselves FIRST, and in turn we change and affect the collective whole.  PEACE, LOVE AND A PEACEFUL REVOLUTION..Amen.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Remembering John...

So, I really wanted to get this blog out by December 8th, in time for the 40th anniversary of John's passing, but I wasn't able to get it out on time.  Tonight, as I sit home, just having finished writing my very first song!, chords and lyrics, after years of thinking about writing my own music and singing my own song, I'm inspired by John yet again... Almost as if he were here with me, visiting.  :)  John's music and life and everything he stood for has deeply inspired me.  In the linear notes of John Lennon ACOUSTIC, Yoko writes..."John always played from his heart.  I hope you will learn to do the same."  Ahhh, yes John, you have inspired me to play from my heart!  For that, I am eternally grateful...

I was three years old when John's soul was completely set free from the gravity of this world.  He lit up the world with a fire and touched the deepness of our souls long before I even knew who he was.  He was to become, and is, one of my heroes.  When I think about John, I think about his courage, his openness and his perseverance to live the life he saw and the life he wanted for all humanity.  I feel he wanted to empower the people of the world to see this life through the lens of love.  He asked us to question what we saw in the media.  He encouraged us to question the people that are so called, "in charge".  One of my favorite interviews of John, something he said in an interview, (I have a lot of favorite things he said), but this I really feel, he said "the people that run the countries are crazy and I'm likely to be called crazy for saying they are crazy and THAT is what is crazy."  I SO feel that John!!, and I dig you so much for having said that on TV!  (Watch the U.S. vs John Lennon)  He said when he and Yoko got together, he had his music, she had her art, but they wanted to have something between them they could both do together.  This thinking has inspired me in my life to perhaps seek a soul mate that might be up for the same sorta thing!  ;)  Anyway, John and Yoko were to become peace activists.  He said that was something they could both do together...perhaps that's where the quote "A dream you dream alone is only a dream, a dream you dream together is reality" came from.  This quote leads me to think about the world today, and to think about my world.  Because well, whether you know it and believe it or not, we all create our own worlds.  John was creating the world he and Yoko saw, a world where WAR IS OVER if you want it, which to me means: we have to WANT the wars to end.  We have to want the craziness to stop.  What is really crazy and I came up with this not too long ago, we are all made of love, yes...our spiritual essence is one of love, one of giving, sharing, openness, expansiveness and heart.  Which is what our earth is constantly doing for us, giving us water, food, sunshine, shade, moonlight, stars; if we aren't operating from this level of heart, we are freaks of nature.  Seriously, I mean it.  Think about it...  If you aren't coming from a place of love, you are a freak of nature.  Get it.  When will we stop accepting that it's ok to treat each other with anything less than what the beauty of our true nature is.  Do you know we are the only species that kills it's own kind?  Animals kill other animals but that is because that is how they eat, but we have killed our own for things as small as what someone else has said about someone, or because of our different beliefs... Really???  That seems so bizarre to me.  This kind of thought process is what is most bizarre, and I encourage us all to get right...  Get right.     

Yoko issued a statement the day after John was shot, saying "There is no funeral for John," she ended it with the words, "John loved and prayed for the human race. Please pray the same for him."  John was so young when he passed on.  He was just 40 years old.  That to me is so very young, but he was able to accomplish so much in that time.  When we come together, give peace a chance in our hearts, after all, peace on earth will come from the peace we choose to seek inside of ourselves, and imagine what we can do together, indeed we can accomplish so very much.

MIND GAMES is one of my favorite John songs...this seems to be what I'm going through these days, so I wanted to share his lyrics with you.

Yes John, LOVE IS THE ANSWER and I know that for sure.  Thank you for being one of my guides... I love you.

We're playing those mind games together,
Pushing barriers, planting seeds,
Playing the mind guerilla,
Chanting the Mantra peace on earth,
We all been playing those mind games forever,
Some kinda druid dudes lifting the veil.
Doing the mind guerilla,
Some call it magic the search for the grail,
Love is the answer and you know that for sure,
Love is the flower, you got to let it, you got to let it grow,
So keep on playing those mind games together,
Faith in the future outta the now,
You just can't beat on those mind guerillas,
Absolute elsewhere in the stones of your mind,
Yeah we're playing those mind games forever,
Projecting our images in space and in time,
Yes is the answer and you know that for sure,
Yes is the surrender you gotta let it, you gotta let it go,
So keep on playing those mind games together,
Doing the ritual dance in the sun,
Millions of mind guerrillas,
Putting their soul power to the karmic wheel,
Keep on playing those mind games forever,
Raising the spirit of peace and love, loooove,
I want you to make love, not war, I know you've heard it before

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Are we experienced in Letting Go?.....I AM.

Ahhhh....letting go.  I thought I knew what letting go was, but have recently experienced how to go about letting something go.  So what does letting go mean to me exactly?  Sounds really simple, I think.  Let go.  Hmmm...let us see.... "Let go of the cookie, Vieve."  Simple.  "Let go of the friend that has been not so good to you."  Hmmm, possibly a little more challenging, but that I can do, and have done...  Check!  "Let go of the emotional baggage you've accumulated over time that doesn't serve you anymore."  ???  Huh....(eyes wide open!)  How on earth do I go about doing that??....

For the longest time I felt as though letting go was an easy concept or idea.  I understood intellectually what it meant but not until I actually experienced what it FELT like to let go, did I really truthfully understand it.  This I have recently experienced, in my body, the feeling of what letting go actually is.  This is where real learning comes forth for me, and this is what I've been living these days.  I'm convinced that unless I EXPERIENCE something, and to experience it for me is to feel it and be in it, will I actually know what the nature of something is.

A few weeks ago, I was blessed to have worked with a group of amazing friends in "communing with the universe" (as I like to call it), and was guided through a process that at the time, I wasn't sure what it meant or the impact it would have on my life in the days that followed.  These days, I like to work on bettering myself through meditation, spiritual work like getting back in touch with the earth and the elements, reaching out to my spirit guides and of course creating in my acting, music and as of late, writing.  So, recently I was blessed to have been a part of this meditational journey, and guided one on one by Maya, one of the healing facilitators and a dear friend who came up to me and gently led me through this process I'm about to share...  Maya, which means 'mother' or 'great one' (by definition of a baby name book!), also means 'illusion' by Hindu definition.  You'll see as I get further into this blog how these two definitions bring this blog to a nice wrap-up! ;)

Maya started working with me pretty early on in the group session and you should know that as soon as this amazing woman and soul puts her arms around me, I feel like I am safe at home.  Immediately after Maya held me in her arms, did I start weeping, then weeping hyperventilating with all my dark eye make-up streaming down my face.  But I didn't care, Maya was working her healing magic and then she asked me, "what do you see."  My thoughts went to a memory I have been carrying around with me for quit some time, a memory that happened when I was about 5 or 6 years old.  It was a memory of me sitting at the window in the kitchen of the house I grew up in in New Jersey.  I was purched up on a stool waiting for my dad to arrive because he said he was going to come and visit me.  My mom and dad were divorced, see.  He lived in New York, where I was born and my mom moved us to New Jersey after the divorse.  Well, I waited by that window all day like a good Capricorn would, at the age of 5 or 6, waiting, knowing, believing that he would be there at any moment.  But, he never showed.  This memory has haunted me for over 20 years and has affected me in ways that perhaps in another blog I will share some day.  I saw this memory and told Maya what I saw as I kept weeping and she gently told me to "keep going" into that memory, and the pain I felt, and so I did.  Out of that memory, my mind went to complete blackness.  In that blackness, I felt an incredible amount of sadness and loneliness and a sense of fear, and wept harder and more uncontrolably.  She ever so gently but firmly instructed me to "stay there" in that place and said "this is the last time you'll have go there, but please, keep going".  I, knowing, loving, and trusting Maya, kept going.  I kept feeling the pain, kept crying, kept going through that blackness.  After minutes of this, I started to see white.  Then, a sense of joy, then happiness, then love, and ecstacy washed over me in this whiteness.  I started to laugh through my weepy tears and then laugh hysterically as a sense of, "Wow!!  There is freedom and light and love on the other side of all this pain, doubt, and fear".  This amazing feeling washed over me.  I innately knew this was the process of releasing, LETTING GO of emotional baggage.  This was something I could DO to release old blockages and this is what I need to do to go about letting go!  It was a-mazing!!!  AMAZING!!

Since then, and actually before this guided meditation, but certainly more so since I felt and understood the importance of this process for me, have I been able to start and sit with myself and look inside of myself whenever fear, or worry or indecision, or even anger come up inside me in order to find out where these emotions are REALLY coming from.  What is the seed level of those dark emotions we all feel?  Yes, those nasty, heavy emotions that like to cling to us if we aren't careful!  I digress, in reality there are only 2 emotions, Love and fear, but we call fear so many other things.  I've learned to sit with the emotion and examine it, and go bravely into it.  Clearly when we are happy and excited or feeling good, that is our divine essence I believe, so there's no need to go deep inside to "figure out" where our happiness and joy come from.  That's a no brainer for me!  But to know and really understand where those darker emotions lurk, and what sparks them, ahhhh....that....that is altogether another journey that ultimately leads to freedom!  I believe.  For me to know where that nasty baggage lives, to know where it's really coming from inside of me, this is the process I have valiantly moved to in order to achive my true freedom.  And so, I do!  And, I AM.      

In conclusion, a mother, a great one, helped me to see through the illusion of a fear, fears, I've held onto, and in that process, I've been able to take myself further into other areas of myself that I've come across where that "fear" has created a space.  And that space is a wasted space for me these days, as I care to move into LOVE and let go, completely, of the fear.  

So friends, I say to you, I let go of the fear of what other people might think about this, my first blog.  I let go of the insecurity that's lurking inside of me for posting such a personal experience to all of whoever wants to read it, and I let go of the desire to be right, or even be liked.  Sharing this is right for ME, (I understand it may not be right for everyone:).  My hope is that other people can take something of what I experienced with them to better their lives or at least plant a seed in a conscious mind that will lead that mind and soul to free themselves up. 

My belief is freedom is attained by means of freeing the mind, spirit and heart.  So...LET FREEDOM RING people!!  It takes a great deal of courage to live the life of a warrior, but, I wouldn't want it any other way. 

Much much love, light and freedom to you all!!

La Vieve...a.k.a.....Genevieve La Court ;)